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Vendredi 01 Juin, 2018 +33

Arrestation musclée dans le métro à San Francisco

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Arrestation musclée dans le métro à San Francisco


9 Commentaires

  1. Auteur


    En Janvier, 2017 (23:46 PM)
    Les policiers blancs aux États Unis sont vraiment racistes il faut y mettre fin
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  2. Auteur


    En Janvier, 2017 (02:13 AM)
    They're not white people...instead white monkeys

    Mankind stands for kind of men but not for Men nor people

    Wake UP real people !!


    En Janvier, 2017 (04:35 AM)
    Le problème est que les blancs ne les considèrent pas comme des êtres mais plutôt des animaux et c triste. Une personne menottée ne peut rien Day, donc pourquoi la brutaliser?


    En Janvier, 2017 (11:04 AM)
    Im just telling the truth. Im proud of myself. You sound like you have a lot of hate in your heart. Oui je suis venu jeune dans ce pays et jy ai fait presque 20 ans. Je me suis battu, je m en suis bien sorti et je remercie le bon Dieu. Im going to say it again. I will always keep my distance from this ignorants ever since my best friend from Senegal was brutally murdered and thrown away in the bushes for 2 weeks during the month of July, the hot and raining season. His body was decomposed. He was smart and was about to be a neurologist. Think about it and let me know. I will strongly support all men in uniforms who put their lives in danger so we can be safe.

    En Janvier, 2017 (16:44 PM)
    c est pas du racisme c est une question de securite

    les blanc ont peur des niggas la bas

    ils sont presque tous armes

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    En Janvier, 2017 (19:23 PM)
    Il lui crie "Get on the ground!" alors que le mec est maintenu debout par un autre policier qui lui a plié le bras dans le dos.


    En Janvier, 2017 (12:12 PM)
    Sorry about the typos and misspelling God. It's 6 am and I just woke up typing on my phone .


    En Janvier, 2017 (12:43 PM)
    The making of a slave excerpt

    Lets Make a Slave

    It was the interest and business of slave holders to study human nature, and the slave nature in particular, with a view to

    practical results. I and many of them attained astonishing proficiency in this direction. They had to deal not with earth,

    wood and stone, but with men and by every regard they had for their own safety and prosperity they needed to know the

    material on which they were to work. Conscious of the injustice and wrong they were every hour perpetuating and

    knowing what they themselves would do. Were they the victims of such wrongs? They were constantly looking for the first

    signs of the dreaded retribution. They watched, therefore with skilled and practiced eyes, and learned to read with great

    accuracy, the state of mind and heart of the slave, through his sable face. Unusual sobriety, apparent abstractions,

    sullenness and indifference indeed, any mood out of the common was afforded ground for suspicion and inquiry.

    Let us make a slave. What do we need? First of all we need a black nigger man, a pregnant nigger woman and her baby

    nigger boy. Second, we will use the same basic principle that we use in breaking a horse, combined with some more

    sustaining factors. What we do with horses is that we break them from one form of life to another that is we reduce them

    from their natural state in nature. Whereas nature provides them with the natural capacity to take care of their offspring,

    we break that natural string of independence from them and thereby create a dependency status, so that we may be able

    Full text below



    En Janvier, 2017 (20:21 PM)
    la police americaine ce comme des chiens ou des démons assoiffés;affamés de torturer un noir ils sont rien que des démons des diables  :frustre: 
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