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Vendredi 01 Juin, 2018 +33
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Les condoléances de Tivaoune à Touba

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Le porte-parole du khalife général des Tidjanes, Serigne Abdou Aziz Sy Al Amine, présente ses condoléances à Touba et Darou Mousty.

Serigne Abdou Aziz Al Amine, porte-parole de la famille Sy, accompagné d’une délégation s’est rendu cet après-midi vendredi à Touba, pour présenter ses condoléances à Serigne à Serigne Sidy Makhtar Mbacké, khalife général des mourides, suite au rappel à dieu de Serigne Cheikh Khady Mbacké, Khalife de Darou Mousty.

D’abord, il est passé à Touba, ou il a été reçu par le khalife général des mourides, Serigne Sidy Makhtar Mbacké, qui avait à ses côtés Serigne Bassirou Mbacké Abdou Khadre, porte-parole, pour ainsi présenter les condoléances du khalife général des Tidjanes, Serigne Cheikh Tidiane Sy Al Maktoum et de toute la famille Sy.

Al Amine a ensuite formulé des prières pour l’illustre disparu, pour le repos de son âme au paradis, avant de louer les qualités exemplaires de Serigne Sidy Makhtar Mbacké et son rôle éminent qu’il joue pour l’unité des musulmans et des soufis du Sénégal.

Pour sa part, le khalife général des mourides, a magnifié les relations fraternelles et cordiales, qui existent entre Touba et Tivaouane.

À la suite de l’audience, Serigne Abdou Aziz Sy Al Amine, a eu un tête-à-tête de 2 heures d’horloge, avec le porte-parole du khalife général des mourides, serigne Bassirou Mbacké Abdou Khadre.

Le porte-parole de la famille sy, s’est ensuite rendu à Darou Mousty, chez l’actuel khalife Serigne Abbas Mbacké, pour lui présenter les condoléances du khalife général des Tidjanes et de toute la famille Sy.

La grande famille de Mame Thierno Mbacké, a salué la démarche du porte-parole de la famille Sy, Serigne Abdou Aziz Sy Al Amine, qui joue un rôle important pour l’affermissement des liens et de l’unité de tous les musulmans et des soufis du Sénégal.

30 Commentaires

  1. Auteur

    Seydil Hadji Malick Sy Rta

    En Janvier, 2016 (22:15 PM)
    Liii Raffét na ! Khoolén Bamba Ak Maodo : Kouné Beug for sa Borom Wanneu Ndakh ThioFéél.
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  2. Auteur


    En Janvier, 2016 (22:17 PM)
    Diam rekk mo nekh! Yalla na Yalla yock Diam si senegal akk adina yeup. Weureul akk yokk fanou sougnou diambar yi selle akk tedd yi. Diadieuf Touba, tivaoune, Medina baye, camberene, Medina gounass, kaolack, ak fepp fougnou nekk si adina bi!


    En Janvier, 2016 (22:32 PM)
    Il me semble que cet article n'est pas à classer dans la rubrique politique. Soyez plus vigilant.


    En Janvier, 2016 (22:55 PM)
    li rék moyy li amme solo bénno ngirr yalla na thi talibéyéppe roy té yalla takh rafétale ngir yalla



    En Janvier, 2016 (23:01 PM)
    Liii raffet
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    En Janvier, 2016 (23:01 PM)
    Liii raffet


    En Janvier, 2016 (23:01 PM)
    Liii raffet


    En Janvier, 2016 (23:01 PM)
    Liii raffet


    En Janvier, 2016 (23:01 PM)
    Liii raffet
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    Talibe Cheikh

    En Janvier, 2016 (23:07 PM)
    Vraiment lii niepa ko rafetlou moy waneni tarikha yepp nio bok founou dieum te ben laniou di diale serigne kilifa dine yep ak talibe mouride yi yalla na yalla yok leram bi barke seydina Mouhamed {psl} :sunugaal: 

    Sarr Tarikha

    En Janvier, 2016 (23:15 PM)
    li mo rafete waye yalna diame yage ci barke seydina MOUHAMED P.S.L te daxal niou seytané ba ila yawmi dine koumou nekhe waxale amiiiine waye  :sunugaal:  :sunugaal:  :sunugaal:  :sunugaal:  :sunugaal: 


    En Janvier, 2016 (23:50 PM)
    Amine :taala_sylla: 


    En Janvier, 2016 (23:56 PM)
    rafett na lol
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    Dieng Seoul

    En Janvier, 2016 (00:23 AM)
    eskeuye way li rafetna way kholou talibe yep sednaniou yalnalenfi YALLA yagual te wereulen thi barke seydina Mouhamed ( psl) :fbhear:  :fbhear:  :fbhear:  :fbhear: 


    En Janvier, 2016 (03:45 AM)
    Ca fait plaisir.


    En Janvier, 2016 (08:55 AM)
    li raffetne ne talube yapu defni senegal diam sicanam


    Esclavage - "francais Yi Ngo B

    En Janvier, 2016 (09:39 AM)
    QUI A DIT QUE L’ESCLAVAGE A ETE ABOLI ? Le CFA est un esclavage pernicieux avec la complicité des chefs d’état africains fantoches !!! Tout simplement parce que le franc CFA est d’origine nazie. Il s’agit d’un mécanisme mis sur pied pour permettre à la France de tirer profit non seulement des richesses naturelles, mais aussi du travail des Africains. Le franc CFA a été créé le 25 décembre 1945, conformément à l’article 3 du décret 45/0136 par le général De Gaulle. Et le franc CFA qui veut dire le franc des Colonies françaises d’Afrique est une monnaie purement coloniale inventée par et pour les intérêts des colons pour dévaster l’Afrique. La survivance du franc CFA n’est que la perpétuation de cet appauvrissement. Conformément aux accords monétaires entre la France et l’Afrique, le principe de la centralité des réserves des changes fonctionne de la manière suivante les Africains doivent déposer, et ils le déposent effectivement, l’intégralité de leurs recettes d’exportation dans des comptes ouverts à la banque centrale de France. . De 1945 à 1973, quand les Africains exportaient par exemple les matières premières pour 100 milliards de dollars, ils déposaient tous les 100 milliards de dollars dans le Trésor français. De 1973 jusqu’en 2005, s’ils exportaient pour 100 milliards de dollars, les Africains étaient obligés de déposer 65 milliards au Trésor français dans le fameux compte d’opérations. Depuis le 20 septembre 2005 jusqu’à la seconde où nous parlons (2016), on est passé à 50%. Ce qui veut dire que si les Africains exportent à hauteur de 100 milliards de dollars ou d’Euros, de Yuans, etc. ils sont tenus de déposer 50 milliards en France. S’en suivent plusieurs conséquences majeures : Première conséquence majeure. Puisque le compte d’opérations est d’origine nazie, la France s’en est servie et s’en sert encore pour s’approvisionner gratuitement en matières premières africaines. Lorsque les Africains ont exporté, au lieu de les payer, la France prend son stylo et écrit un signe PLUS dans le compte. Elle ne débourse aucune devise. Or si ce sont les Nigérians ou les Ghanéens qui exportent, la France est obligée de sortir 100 millions d’euros des coffres forts pour les payer. Ce qui revient à dire que le jour où les Africains vont se débarrasser du franc CFA, la France sera obligée de débourser de l’argent pour payer directement et immédiatement l’intégralité de la facture des exportations. Deuxième conséquence majeure. Puisque les Africains déposent des devises en France, celle-ci s’en sert pour combler son déficit budgétaire ou pour amortir, c’est-à-dire payer sa dette. Troisième conséquence majeure. En contrôlant leurs devises, la France met les dirigeants africains au pas. Si un dirigeant de la zone CFA n’obéit plus aux ordres de la France, Paris bloque ses réserves de devises et mieux, il ferme les banques dans ce pays devenu « rebelle ». C’est ce que nous avons vu tout récemment en Côte-d’Ivoire avec Laurent Gbagbo. Et quand les banques sont fermées, aucun ménage, aucun chef d’entreprise ne peut sortir de l’argent pour nourrir sa famille ou payer les employés. En un mot, en fermant les banques, la France organise le chaos socio-économique. Et toute la population se rebelle contre le dirigeant. C’est ce qui s’est passé avec Gbagbo. Ne pouvant plus prendre des devises à la France, il a décidé de créer la monnaie ivoirienne et à partir de là la décision a été prise pour le bombarder. Gbagbo n’est pas le premier et ne sera malheureusement pas le dernier. Avant lui, il y a eu Sylvanus Olympio du Togo avait fait adopter la loi n° 62-20 du 12 décembre 1962, portant création d’une banque centrale du Togo et approuvant ses statuts, la monnaie togolaise devrait être mise en circulation le 15 janvier 1963. Deux jours avant, exactement le 13 janvier 1963, il a été froidement assassiné.
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    En Janvier, 2016 (09:58 AM)
    Merci à Serigne Abdoul Aziz Sy Al Amiin, le geste est très noble yala nala yala fay ngën gi pay. Merci aussi à Cheikh Sidil Moukhetar Mbacké, son esprit rassembler a été annoncer depuis son accession au trône et les actes qu'il a posé vont dans ce sens. Il est l'expression de la sagesse des Soufis. Manoona diis loool ta woyof lool.Jërëjëf Mbacké Balla Aysa

    Sonhibou Bah

    En Janvier, 2016 (10:12 AM)
    C'est la première fois que je vois quelqu'un s'assoir sur la même fauteuil que le sage de Gouy Mbind, Même le ministre de l'intérieur voir même le président n'ont pas ce privilège. Si le porte parole de Tivaone a cet honneur cela montre comment le Khalif Général des mourides est humble et donne de l'importance à la cohesion entre musulmans. Yala na Yala dimbale kilifa dinné yepp ba chaytaané doufi am yoon ba yit téroristes yiy mbouboo lislam ta bari ci reewmi lool dounou fi am linou beug. Alahouma amiin


    En Janvier, 2016 (11:55 AM)
    Machallah yalla mouseule gnou si seytane

    Papis 45

    En Janvier, 2016 (12:30 PM)
    Cet image me donne des frissons li moy Sénégal qu'on balayé tous ces parasites autour qui comprennent rien et qui sont là juste pour profiter pour se remplir leur couille et excusez-moi de cette dérapage fallait que sa sorte et je vous promet que suis témoin et partager le même vol avec un de ces clochard mais le comportement qu'il avait Wallaye j'avais même des doutes sur ma tariha bref qu'allah nous nous accompagne dans la bonne voie et un Sénégal meilleur
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    En Janvier, 2016 (12:31 PM)


    En Janvier, 2016 (13:25 PM)
    Dear compatriots Senegal will not emerge with the FCFA! ------------------------ ------------- 00000 ----------------- "No African country can not be with the CFA franc Emergent" Pr. Nicolas and Olivier Ndenkop Agbohou | October 28, 2014 Article published on the website: (freelance journalist)From 9 to 16 April 2014, the author of the bestselling book The CFA franc and the Euro against Africa gave, Cameroon, a series of lectures on the evils of the franc French colonies in Africa (CFA). Pr. Agbohou went to Cameroon at the invitation of the African Social Action Association Agreement (SAA), which works since 2007 on the continent to improve the lives of Africans through three priorities: Health, Agriculture / Food and Education. With ASA has already installed three libraries in Cameroon, the Ivorian economist gave three well-attended conferences in all major universities in the countries of Central Africa (Douala, Dschang, Yaounde). This interview was conducted at the end of this journey.Professor Nicolas Agbohou affirms unequivocally that the CFA franc hopelessly beating down the economy of the 15 African countries that use this funny money. It explains the mechanism of the account transactions and provides realistic solutions for achieving monetary sovereignty of Africa.Journal of Africa (JDA): What motivates you to travel the world to denounce the misdeeds the CFA franc in African economies? Nicolas Agbohou: Several reasons: First, I am an African and as such I feel challenged by the problems of Africa. Then I objectively see the danger coming. In 36 years, in 2050, Africa will have 2 billion people to feed. Life should be prepared of those 2 billion people. In other words, change in economic policy. But we can not do without an economic policy control of the currency. So aware of this problem, I dwelt on the CFA study and after I came to realize that "CFA" simply meant "the franc French colonies in Africa (CFA)." To continue to plunder the Africa after formal independence in 1960, the French settler redefined the CFA franc as: the "franc of the French African Community). But it is a simple make-up! Why do you feel in your book that the CFA Franc and the Euro [are] against Africa? Simply because the CFA franc is of Nazi origin. This is a mechanism created to allow France to take advantage not only of natural resources but also the labor of Africans. The CFA franc was created December 25, 1945, pursuant to Article 3 of Decree 45/0136 by General De Gaulle.And the CFA franc which means the French colonies of Africa is a purely colonial currency invented by and for the interests of settlers to devastate Africa. The survival of the CFA franc is only the perpetuation of this depletion. It was 30 years ago, the Cameroonian economist Joseph Tchuidjang Pouemi in his book Money, bondage and freedom, already claimed that the CFA franc is just a instrument "monetary repression of Africa". ? In your opinion this monetary repression she always overShe still continue; because when you look at the institutions of the CFA franc zone, including the board of directors of the three central banks, we see that the French are present and have the right of veto.That is not its use is at issue, but the CFA itself. Its operation belongs to France which uses it for its own interests and therefore against the interests of Africans. Both the Bank of Central African States (BEAC) at the Bank of West African States (BCEAO) at the Central Bank of the Comoros (BCC), France appoints representatives who have a veto. That is, if the Africans present on the boards of these banks decide to make decisions that defend the interests of Africa affecting the interests of France, these decisions can not be validated because the French will vote "against". Particularly since he is clearly mentioned in the texts governing these three central banks that "decisions are taken unanimously." When we speak of the CFA franc, it always evokes the mechanism of the "transaction account ". What is it exactly? The CFA franc zone has four operating principles: 1-The centralization of foreign exchange reserves is called the operating account. 2-The principle of free convertibility of CFA francs into French francs yesterday and today in Euros. 3- The principle of fixed parities. 4. The principle of free transferability of capital in the CFA franc zone to France. In terms of the operating account, say that it is Nazi inspiration. It was applied in France by the Nazis and after the Liberation, General de Gaulle decided to apply to Africans since 1945. In accordance with the monetary arrangements between France and Africa, the principle of the centrality of reserves exchange works as follows Africans should drop, and they actually settle, all their export earnings in accounts at the central bank of France. From 1945 to 1973, when the Africans were exporting such materials first for 100 billion dollars, they deposited all $ 100 billion in the French Treasury. From 1973 until 2005, if they exported 100 billion dollars, Africans were obliged to deposit 65 billion to the French Treasury in the famous account of operations. Since September 20, 2005 until the second we speak ( 2014), it increased to 50%. This means that if Africans export up to 100 billion dollars or Euros, Yuan, etc. they are required to deposit 50 billion in France. Would follow several major consequences: First major consequence. Since the operations account is of Nazi origin, France has used it and is still used to stock free African raw materials. That is to say that France told the Africans to export the raw materials it needs for 100 million euros, for example. When Africans were exported, instead of paying, France took his pen and wrote a PLUS sign in the account. It pays any currency. Or if they are Nigerians or Ghanaians exporting, France is obliged to leave 100 million euros safes to pay them. That is to say that the day when Africans will get rid of the CFA franc, France will have to shell out money to pay directly and immediately the entire invoice exports. Second major consequence. Since Africans deposit currency in France, it is used to fill the budget deficit or for damping, that is to say, pay his debt. Third major consequence. By controlling their currency, France puts African leaders not to. If an officer of the CFA zone no longer obeys the orders of France, Paris blocks its currency reserves and better, he closed the banks in this country become "rebel". This is what we have seen recently in Ivory Coast with Gbagbo. And when the banks are closed, no household, no business leader can not get money to feed her family or pay employees. In a word, closing banks, France organizes socio-economic chaos. And all the population rebels against the leader. This is what happened with Gbagbo. No longer able to take foreign currency to France, he decided to create the Ivorian currency and from there the decision was taken to bomb. Gbagbo is not the first and unfortunately will not be the last. Before him, there was Sylvanus Olympio of Togo whose currency should be put into circulation on December 15, 1963. Two days before, exactly January 13, 1963, he was murdered in cold blood. So these three major consequences or rather these three benefits ie France for the free supply of African raw materials, the use of African currencies for its own development, started no weapon of African leaders, are a powerful tool used by France to block the industrialization of Africa. Given everything you have just said we can conclude that the emergence announced by African presidents noted a simple politician propaganda ... This is a simple chimera. No country can be emerging with the CFA franc. When you leave your neighborhood to go peripheral zone because you touch 100,000 CFA francs and that you have entered into an association that takes you 50,000 CFA each month end you think reasonably you suddenly leave this poor neighborhood to enter the area of the rich? No. As African countries continue to pay a "tax" of 50% of their revenues outside France, the socio-economic emergence will never be possible. In 2013, in a report commissioned by the government of his country, the Former French Foreign Minister Hubert Vedrine has proposed extending the CFA franc zone to other African countries. How do you see such a project and what are the chances of success? Let's say that Hubert Védrine is in his role since it is the one who controls the currency controls the country. Thus, if there are 15 African countries that use the CFA franc, these countries are all under the control of France.And if other countries because uninformed enter the CFA zone, it will be a very good thing for France.That is why Mr. Védrine invites Nigerians, Ghanaians and other countries to join the CFA zone precisely to better control and make their enormous wealth. Do not forget that when these countries will join the CFA zone, they will have to give 50% of their enormous wealth to France. It is clear that Nigeria is not in the CFA zone but is doing better. This is not Nigeria that one dies of hunger! Once again, Hubert Védrine is in his role. And it is up to the Africans to no longer be deceived. The African countries that have not the same economic level they may have a common currency? Indeed they can because that is the currency that actually create wealth. Which rolls the car is fuel. The fuel itself is not the car. But it is an indispensable product that rolls the car. So African countries, developed or not developed may have a common currency. The currency is a central piece in the sovereignty triangle.You have money / economy, defense and positive law which are the angles of this triangle of sovereignty. How do you explain the relatively advanced economy of the former British colonies in Africa? Precisely, these countries are working for themselves. Unlike the countries of the CFA franc zone, English-speaking countries do not work for England. It's that simple ! English-speaking countries are truly free from England who left after decolonization. As you can see very well globally, all countries formerly colonized by Britain are doing significantly better than those of the CFA franc zone.France is never part. On the contrary, as and as time passes, France is ubiquitous in African economies; always with the same excuse: "we are here to help Africans." And Africans instead of waking up are just sleep ... Is the CFA franc caused the decline of African education system is characterized by overstaffing? All right. The example of a household who earns 100,000 FCFA we made ??above is quite illustrative here. When the state is deprived of 50% of its wealth through the operations account, spending on national education and hospitals decreased. It is this that explains operations account skeletal budgets of Education which you speak. Instead of building many schools, the state built less! Now you understand why hospitals become death houses in Francophone Africa.When you look at the collective means of transport, people piled on top of each other like sardines in a can. It is not a coincidence because the substantial resources that should be used for transport are given to France. Did he happen to mention these misdeeds of the CFA franc with men of African state and that 'Is what you are saying? I met some African leaders whose Mathieu Kerekou then president of Benin. He said he did not know the system. He was totally unaware. I talked with the governor of the BCEAO, Konan Banny who said he will invite me so I can discuss it with his colleagues. I met Mamadou Koulibaly then President of the National Assembly of Ivory Coast. Not to mention the presidents Laurent Gbagbo and Jacob Zuma. When I explained how the CFA franc to South African President Jacob Zuma, he was amazed. And he said: "This is exactly the colonization. For it is when you are a colony you pay taxes to the colonizing country! . "Most of state power obtained in the CFA franc zone, comes directly from Paris. Leaders who are brought to power by that path can not revolt against their employer. We will tell you one by democracy; but you know that does not come to power that wants. It is Gbagbo who made ??exception that proves the rule. And we know how it ended! How can this situation, which has the air of a monetary impasse for the countries of the CFA franc zone? By becoming aware that currency seriously harms their well-being socio-economic, the African states should simply withdraw from the CFA zone. And instead, beat a typically African currency, run by and for the interests of Africans. Thus, African countries will eliminate France in their management and all currencies they will win will remain in Africa. They will be used to import equipment that African states need to industrialize. Thus, they will transform themselves African commodities in Africa. I have absolutely clear that to create a currency it needs three days. No more. The first day the government decides to create money and does a bill he sent to parliament. The next day, that is to say, the second day, parliamentarians approve. The third day is triggered machines and printing money is created. It is necessary that Africans wake up. They understand that it is the one that dominates the currency that dominates the country. It is time that each young person wherever he is engaging in this debate by integrating the Movement for the Sovereignty and Economic African Monetary (Mosema). Created in Ivory Coast, the Mosema installs its sections across Africa.We are convinced that if young people understand this, a time will come when they will start a protest movement of the institutions of the CFA franc zone simultaneously for a week all 15 countries of the CFA zone. What will help or force the leaders to make the right decision. They will find that everywhere one disputes the CFA franc and they will have no choice but to create an African currency. Want to tell us that the CFA franc is not inevitable for the 15 countries that use it for so many years despite its harmfulness? The strength of the CFA franc comes from ignorance of Africans. I understand them. The CFA franc is not enrolled in school and even university programs. But in life you have to remember one thing: it is the slave who freed himself from his slavery. It is the oppressed who releases his oppressor. Freedom, regardless of whether it is economic or political pulls. It does not. So it is up to the Africans to become aware of the CFA franc and harm to revolt to liquidate this funny money. There is no fatality. Each generation in its struggle. That of the present generation is to liquidate the CFA franc and to set up an African currency controlled by Africans and for the interests of Africans. To get out, I want to say that to create a currency, I repeat, it takes three days. No more. The first day the government decides to create money and seized the National Assembly through a bill. The second day, members review and approve the bill. On the third day the law was promulgated and is operated printing machines. The money is available. The country has its own currency and uses for its development. We know that African countries are not in the CFA zone, but are doing no better economically ... You're right. We also tell you that a country such as Guinea Conakry, for example decided to exit the CFA zone Sekou Toure with but has not managed to build a strong economy. It is a fact. But for the case of Guinea, one always forgets to say that France invented false money it poured into the land of Sekou Touré, the man who dared opposed to General De Gaulle saying NO to the French community in 1958. He said that the Guineans prefer freedom in poverty to riches in slavery. Since then France has decided to sabotage his actions. Speaking African countries using their own currency but not developed, it must be said that they do not apply the second principle which is the local processing of raw materials. After the creation of the currency, African states are required to create added value by processing agricultural raw materials, mining and energy on the continent. This transformation will lead to the industrialization of Africa and the creation of jobs for Africans. Source: The Journal of the Africa n ° 003, 24 October 2014, Investig'Action



    En Janvier, 2016 (18:01 PM)
    li serigne abdou def rafet na


    En Janvier, 2016 (18:01 PM)
    li serigne abdou def rafet na
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    En Janvier, 2016 (18:01 PM)
    li serigne abdou def rafet na


    En Janvier, 2016 (18:01 PM)
    li serigne abdou def rafet na


    En Janvier, 2016 (03:14 AM)


    En Janvier, 2016 (10:46 AM)
    Bimay lire article bi ak commentaires yi batay mangui dioy ndakh khol bou sedd

    Meussouma dioyé ni ndakh mbekté

    Sama khol sedd na lolou.

    Gnouy gnane yalla bayi lenn sougnou kanam gnou tek gnou thi yoon wi

    Yalla fayal gnou lenn
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    Le Patriote

    En Janvier, 2016 (11:46 AM)
    Merci et vive senegal de paix :sunugaal:  :taala_sylla:  :sunugaal: 

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