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Vendredi 01 Juin, 2018 +33

[ AUDIO ] Exécution des condamnés à mort en Gambie : Alioune Tine exige l‘arrestation de Yahya Jammeh

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[ AUDIO ] Exécution des condamnés à mort en Gambie : Alioune Tine exige l‘arrestation de Yahya Jammeh

Alioune Tine a vivement réagi suite à l’annonce  du  président Gambien d’exécuter tous les détenus condamnés à mort de son pays en septembre prochain. Le Secretaire General de la  Radhho ( Rencontre Africaine pour la Défense des Droits de l'Homme) a fait savoir sur la RFm qu’il est temps d’arrêter Yahya Jammeh qui est un dictateur international. Ecoutez sa reaction 

45 Commentaires

  1. Auteur


    En Août, 2012 (12:44 PM)
    boff :cry: 
    • Auteur

      Un Pêcheur Sans Canne à Pêcher

      En Juillet, 2023 (08:10 AM)
      Mr Teuw qui veut être prochain Président, qu'est ce que vous nous proposez via votre programme pour le moment inconnu dans un néant indéfini pour soulager les millions de Goorgolus de notre Pays. Il faut arrêter de sortir ici toujours comme une cigale de poète. Poésie, poésie de nuit. Pendant ce temps les jeunes par milliers ne vous entendent pas. Ils partent Vers des paradis de rêve en poésie de tekki possible, ils n'ont plus espoir en vous, les politiciens ou poètes d'ici. 
  2. Auteur


    En Août, 2012 (12:45 PM)
    il a raison non mais yayah c'est un vrai fou ce connard il se prend ou exactement heureusement que j'ai jamais mis les pied à GAMBIE il dénigre vraiment la population sénégalaise même ... ce connarddddddd :down:  :down:  :down: 


    En Août, 2012 (12:46 PM)
    Yaya Jammeh är helt sjuk men tro mig du kommer att betala allt du gör med dina egna folk!!!

    Du är en jävla idiot din jävell!!!Du kan fara åt helvete!!!


    En Août, 2012 (12:47 PM)
    Le grand problème c'est que Jammeh va en profiter pour liquider des prisonniers politiques


    En Août, 2012 (12:49 PM)
    il faut faire attention concernent ce problème.



    En Août, 2012 (12:51 PM)
    Ce n'est pas nouveau chez Yaya Djammeh la mort. Il a beaucoup tue. Seulement ces mort n'ont ete mediatisees. Yaya est dangereux et a toujours ete dangereux. Il a du sang dans les mains.Quand il decide une chose, personne ne peut l'arreter sur quand les gens s'y opposent. Il fait du je m'en fous de ce que vous dites. Ca c'est Yaya. Il tuera ces detenus.


    En Août, 2012 (12:52 PM)
    Avant d'arrêté Yaya, arrête d'abord ton Wade. je pense que c'est beaucoup plus rationnel. Quand on pille l'économie de ton pays à coup de milliard laissant les sénégalais dans la souffrance, je pense que c'est un crime.


    En Août, 2012 (12:54 PM)
    Défenseur des droit de l'homme " terme fourt tout".Tine , toi même tu dois être audité, pourquoi ne pas arrêter OBAMA, le président d'un pays qui exécute le plus de condamnés au monde?


    En Août, 2012 (12:55 PM)
    dafa rewwwww rekkk


    En Août, 2012 (12:58 PM)
    Gayi , dé guen grave déh.

    Thiéy lamigne bou réye rek.Khou niémé, na dém gambie.

    Yaya , mougui lén di xhare rek

    Celui qui tue volontairement , doit etre tué. Ce n'est pas une question de sauvagerie mais le respect de la vie humaine et de son autre semblable.

     :tala-sylla:  :tala-sylla:  :tala-sylla:  :tala-sylla:  :tala-sylla:  :tala-sylla: 


    En Août, 2012 (13:00 PM)

    Gem Borom Bi

    En Août, 2012 (13:03 PM)
    Li ma nekh thie Yaya moye Gambie gor jigeen ak jigeen gor doufa takhawalou. C'est pourquoi senegalais yi comme Alioune Tine bou goug gnou ko guiss car ay goor jigeen lene. Jajeuf Yaya.

    Gem Borom Bi

    En Août, 2012 (13:07 PM)
    Li ma nekh thie Yaya moye Gambie gor jigeen ak jigeen gor doufa takhawalou. C'est pourquoi senegalais yi comme Alioune Tine bou goug gnou ko guiss car ay goor jigeen lene. Jajeuf Yaya.


    En Août, 2012 (13:08 PM)
    alternance au niveau de la RADDHO. Alioune Tine doit céder son doit bouger. très porter à critiquer les autres et nous devons lui rappeler qu'il doit céder la place,en bon dé fait combien de mandats a t il déjà bénéficier? ou est la limitation de mandat dont il se fait le chantre."extirper la poutre qui se trouve dans ton oeil que de vouloir extraire la paille qui se trouve dans l'oil de ton prochain".Salam.

    Wade D'abord

    En Août, 2012 (13:11 PM)




    En Août, 2012 (13:15 PM)
    alioune tine wakh rek ce un grand mounave9e


    En Août, 2012 (13:15 PM)
    Monsieur Tine j'aime bien ce que tu fais la défense des droit de l'Homme avant de parler le cas du Président Gambien mais parle plutôt le cas des gens qui ont volé l'argent des Sénégalais c'est un crime contre l'humanité, je veux dire l'ancien président wade est son entourage parle de ça que dire que le président gambien est ceci cela. Le président Gambien a raison j'ai lu ce matin un homme tué devant sa Femme que dis-tu de ça ? La grande démocratie se trouve ou ? Les Etats-Unis et pourtant il y a la peine de mort que dis-tu de ça ? Pourquoi tu ne parles pas de ça Monsieur ? Laisse le président gambien défendre son pays contre ses bandits de grand chemin.


    En Août, 2012 (13:18 PM)


    En Août, 2012 (13:26 PM)
    Il a tué Wade le 23 juin 2011 .Oeuvre salutaire pour le peuple sénégalais. Le PDS lui en voudra à vie

    Baye Madione

    En Août, 2012 (13:32 PM)


    Phone Number: 641 715-3900

    Extension: 461247#

    Baye Madione

    En Août, 2012 (13:40 PM)




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    En Août, 2012 (13:46 PM)
    le ramamdan na rien avoir avec les paroles de yaya yaw vraiment c est pas la peine ;incompétance zéro va lui dire toi meme

    La Voix Du Peuple

    En Août, 2012 (13:49 PM)
    Nous invitons la communauté Internationale d'arrêter et condamner le Dictateur Yaya Jammeh car la situation est devenu vraiment inhumain. Le monde entier se rappelle bien des premières déclarations de Jammeh après le coup d'état : il avait déclaré que jamais encore un candidat se serait permis de dépasser deux(2) mandats présidentiel . Le pouvoir pour l'Afrique c'est seulement un moyen de s'enrichir et affaires personnelles . Ils ont la capacité de gueuler à leur début et d'être sourd muet une fois au pouvoir. Deux mandats maximum sont 14 ans sinon encore plus raisonnable 10 ans et Mr Jammeh est à sa 18 eme année au pouvoir. Pourquoi notre continent n'arrive pas à éviter de verser son propre sang pour des interets d'un clan. Nous voulons la liberté d'expression, le dialogue entre composants politique, le patriotisme, transparence dans la gestion du denier publique et surtout la solidarité entre les peuples Africain. Nous ne voulons plus de guerre,ni DICTATEURS . Créez de l'emploi au lieu de penser à acheter des armes et nous auto détruire. Longue vie notre Bien aimée Afrique !


    En Août, 2012 (13:56 PM)
    Vivement que le Président MACKY restaure la peine de mort pour nous débarrasser de cette série sans fin de crimes dans notre société....figurez-vous un jeune homme tué devant sa femme et son enfant aux hlm grand yoff par des individus qui n'avaient jeté leur dévolu que sur son sac d'ordinateur...Et vous Monsieur Alioune TINE vous croyez que des gens pareils ont-ils plus de droit à la vie que ce père de famille à la fleur de l'age , certainement soutien de famille par ailleurs...??? Monsieur TINE les sénégalais t'estiment à bien des égards pour certaines cause justes dont vous ne cessez d'être le défenseur infatigable. Mais pour autant ne vous discréditez pas pour des causes injustes.

    S'agissant de Yaya Diamé , s'il n'est pas en train d'instrumentaliser sa justice contre des adversaires politiques, il est fondé à éradiquer la criminalité dans son pays la Gambie. Pour être stable, un Etat doit être fort en terme d'Autorité sans verser dans la tyrannie !!!


    En Août, 2012 (14:00 PM)
    Et au Senegal que dites vous de SARANI BADIANE de soit disant du MFDC qui jusqu'aujourd'hui personne ne sait la ou il est apres avoir ete arrete par les gendarmes.Et le soldat MAO BA qui a ete retrouve mort dans sa cellule sans raison alors qu'il a ete empoisonne en prison.Et tant d'autres de CASAMANCAIS qui ont ete execute par les forces militaires sans raison ,et alors que dites-vous de tout cela?hein!


    En Août, 2012 (14:02 PM)
    yaya dafa rew mo takh mane darame nekhouma :dedet:  :dedet:  :dedet:  :dedet:  :dedet: 


    En Août, 2012 (14:08 PM)
    Je suis pour l'exécution des condamnés à mort qui ont causé cette faute qui leur a valu d'accéder dans ce couloir. Celui qui tue ou fait tuer une personne doit être tué comme il l'a fait. Mais la de celui qu'il a prise avec brutalité Ce dernier n'a pas de droit.

    Alioune TINE j'ai beaucoup de respects pour toi mais, arrête. Même les animaux qu'on tue pour leur cgair ou leur peau on des droit à plus forte raison un être vivant. Le jour qu'on exécutera sauvagement un membre de ta famille tu comprendras. Droit de l'homme, Criminel Woye. Cesser de nous tympaniser avec vos droits de l'homme. ces gens ne doivent pas avec vous prendre les populations en otage. Allez y dans l'Etat du Tewas et demander d'arrêter le Gouverneur qui exécute chaque plusieurs malfras. Prési Yaya DIAME en avant thikaname. Les bandits de grands chemins sont à éliminer de ce monde. Même le Saint Coran l'a dit Celui qui tue une personne banalement pour lui arracher une chose doit être exécuté Je suis pour l'application de la peine de mort jusqu'au dernier retranchement


    En Août, 2012 (14:10 PM)
    Consulter le coran cher frere toi qui pretent mettre fin aux crimes de sang avec vos bouches sans mesure coercitive sourate 2 verset 178 Le Sublime le puissant l omnipotent l omniscient l omnipresent ceux qui tuent delibrement doivent etre tué c est la loi du talion oeil pour oeil dent pour dent . Verset 179 La loi du talion preserve la vie Qui connait mieux que le connaisseur le sage le misericordieux. Que dieux vous benisse mon president Jameh .


    En Août, 2012 (14:12 PM)
    L'exécution d'un être , à fortiori un être humain est p^lus que condamnable, quel que soit le crime qu'il aurait commis ! Mais, de là à demander que monsieur le Président Yaya Diameh soit arrêté pour intention de passer à l'acte on devient ridicule ! Non monsieur Tine A


    En Août, 2012 (14:18 PM)
    Pourquoi alioune tine ne s'inquiete t-il pas à l'occasion des condamnations a mort aux USA. Parcequ'il est fianncé par les lobbies americains?


    En Août, 2012 (14:36 PM)
    Mais Alioune Tine, pour qui tu te prends?? Au nom de ton organisme, vas dire au USA d'exécuter les présidents blancs qui autorisent la peine de mort!! yabaté beu beugueu dé.

    Je suis pas pour la peine de mort mais nak daga eupeul, fii nga ko sagna wakh, tu nous saoules, ça suffit avec tes sorties à en plus finir, goooo!


    En Août, 2012 (14:47 PM)
    The president of the Republic, His Excellency, Sheikh Professor Alhaji Dr Yahya Jammeh has said his government will never condone acts that endanger the fabric of society or thwart the people’s development efforts.

    According to him, his government’s objective is to create a peaceful, happy and crime-free nation where the standard of living will be excellent for every citizen. The president’s remarks were contained in a 12-page message delivered on the eve of Eid El-Fitr commonly known as Koriteh. He denounced banditry, drug trafficking or its illicit use, homosexuality, murder, terrorism and other subversive activities against either the state or the people saying it will not be tolerated, and government will take whatever legal action necessary to expunge these deadly and heinous acts from the country.

    Below we reproduce the full text of the president’s message;

    Fellow Gambians

    Distinguished viewers

    I thank the Almighty Allah for favouring us with His mercies and blessings, especially for the gift of witnessing the end of the Holy Month of Ramadan in peace and good health. It is particularly an honour and joy for me to mark the end of such a blessed month with this annual EID address to the nation.

    Fellow Gambians

    And Muslims the world over

    On the advent of Eid El-Fitr, it is my singular honour to congratulate the entire Muslim community on this blessed occasion and to wish all of us a very blessed and memorable feast. However, I trust and pray that the Day will not be observed characteristically for mere celebrations and merry making, but will provide a somber platform for solemn reflection on our deeds and our relations with the Almighty Allah on the one hand, and our interpersonal relations between and amongst us as family, friends and neighbours, on the other.

    Ramadan, or fasting in general, is renowned for its propensity to shape behaviour and alter the lot and destinies of believers in very positive ways, and this sublime precept is applicable in both Islam and Christianity. IN fact, religious scholars, argue that one of the hallmarks of the acceptance of religious deeds in the Holy Month of Ramadan is positive attitudinal change and a tendency for pious deeds and fear of Allah. Therefore, the questions we need to ask ourselves, among others, are: Have we emerged from Ramadan cleansed and purified by ridding ourselves of all sinful habits of the past to lead better and righteous lives acceptable in the sight of the Almighty Allah? Are we committed or re-devoted to leading our lives within the prescriptions of the Holy Quran, which commands us to lead decent lives? The responses to such questions within our inner being will give each one of us an indication of how sincere and faithful to Allah we are; how repentant we are; and how inclined we are to changing for the better.

    Fellow Gambians and

    Muslims the world over

    Distinguished viewers

    The lesson to draw is that faith in the Almighty Allah and religious commitment are characterized by self discipline; discipline that emanates consciously from the inner being and not driven by fear of some secular force. This is the true shade of discipline that is lacking in society, both in The Gambia and elsewhere. To comment on indiscipline, Gambians have witnessed in recent times an undesirable and unwarranted escalation of such dreadful crimes as murder, armed robber, burglary and, alarmingly, kidnapping, to cite a few examples. These are crimes that were hitherto unknown in The Gambia, but they have found their way into the Gambian society. While we admit that most of these acts are perpetrated by non-Gambians, Gambians have either been accomplices or have also engaged in these dreadful crimes. There are increasing episodes of infanticide, as well as homicide committed by husbands against their wives and children against their parents! These are heinous crimes and wholly unacceptable, especially in a nation where over 90% of the population claim to be practicing Muslims; believers in Allah.

    My government will never condone acts that endanger the fabric of our society or thwart the people’s development efforts. Our objective is to create a peaceful, happy and crime-free nation where the standard of living will be excellent for every citizen. Thus, banditry, drug trafficking or its illicit use, homosexuality, murder, terrorism and other subversive activities against either the State or the people will not be tolerated, and Government will take whatever legal action is necessary to expunge these deadly and heinous acts from the country.

    Critically, though, the people have to rally behind Government and support the relevant State apparatuses. It is only genuine patriotism, which is embedded in the real fear of Allah and love for the nation; as well as true passion for the people and what they stand for, that will salvage us together. Hence, together, we must ensure that we do not only abide by the laws of the Land, but also compel the criminals in our midst to retract permanently or amend their ways. There is no other option!

    The security forces and the judicial system will continue to be empowered to enforce the law, where applicable. All those guilty of serious crimes and are condemned will face the full force of the law. All punishments prescribed by law will be maintained in the country to ensure that criminals get what they deserve: that is, that those who kill are killed, and those who deserve to be put away from society are put away according to the dictates of the law. By the middle of next month, all the death sentences would have been carried out to the letter.

    Fellow Gambians

    Distinguished viewers

    We need not look far into history to be forewarned of the consequences of anarchy. The breakdown of law and order and the resultant atrocities in Mali, Syria, Somalia and other countries, as examples, provide sufficient instruction to remind us that crimes begets chaos, destruction and destitution, and, in consequence, should be nipped in the bud wherever it emerges. Gambians should look into the future with optimism, encouraged by the rapid rate of development and the tremendous achievements made in less than two decades. We ought to be optimistic of the feasibility of The Gambia’s transformation into an economic super power and, therefore, commit ourselves to attaining the development vision and objectives set for such transformation. Let us cruise towards our destiny undeterred, and leave no room for retrogressive vermins to clog the wheel of rapid progress. We as a State will stand by our sacred duties of making sure that every law-abiding human being in this nation of ours lives in absolute peace, security and freedom.

    On reflection, one is compelled to observe that we claim and pride ourselves of being Muslims and Christians; but, how devoted are we as Muslims and Christians? How many Gambians live by the noble teachings of the Holy Books? We are taught to love our neighbours as we love ourselves, just as we are taught that love for one’s country is an element of piety. Do we manifest these teachings in our day-to-day lives? Have we not been admonished to repel hate and injustice, but how many Gambians are willing to expose the criminals in our midst to put an end to the insecurity, injustice and mayhem that those criminals perpetrate against innocent people?

    Fellow Gambians and

    Muslims the world over

    Distinguished viewers

    As we mark the end of Ramadan, this should be a moment of reflection and rededication to the principles and values propagated by Islam and, similarly, by Christianity. True believers stand steadfast in enjoining and doing good, while prohibiting and refraining from evil. I implore you all to stand firm in defence of our communities against crime. Let me re-echo the need for community Watch Groups to complement Operation Bulldozer. It is long overdue for all of us to mobilize our resources, muster our energies and innovate to build a progressive, secured and peaceful nation for all. In the thick of this, we recognize and applaud the sincere patriots who continue to support Government and dedicate themselves to the welfare of the people. We encourage them to continue to be the pace-setters of progress and development but more importantly, for a crime free Gambia.

    Fellow Gambians and

    Muslims the world over

    Distinguished viewers

    I congratulate the venerable Imams and other religious leaders who led prayers during the Holy Month and delivered sermons to strengthen the faith and correct the behaviour of their congregations in particular and the people in general. This is a never-ending Jihad, and I encourage you all to continue with such noble works and devote your sermons relentlessly to invoking good among the citizenry. In addition, together, let us pray for the sick and in the spirit of Islam, care for them and support them. Let us continually pray for the nation, but reinforce those prayers with positive action. Let us guide the young, give them the education and upbringing they require to grow into good Muslims and become useful law-abiding citizens of this great Nation. Remember that as true Muslims we should work together; for each other and not against each other. We are supposed to work together as one Family because that is what all Muslims are.

    In conclusion, the occasion presents the opportunity to mention regrettably the division among Muslim communities, both nationally and internationally. It is due to the artificial divides among Muslims that Islam is projected negatively n the non-Muslim world. It is for the same reason that Muslims are weakened to the extent that their rights are trampled upon, and their wealth and property plundered. It is a dilemma and a source of concern that Muslims cannot rally behind their leaders and obey them. Sadly, every year, we begin fasting on different days and observe Eid El-Fitr on different days yet Allah is the One True God we worship; the Quran is the source of our faith; the Prophet’s message (PBUH) is universal and conclusive; and the earth is associated with only one moon, unlike other planets. Therefore, there is no justification for unnecessary divisions within the Islamic world. On the occasion of this holy feast, I urge all religious leaders to set aside their differences and act in unison as members of one religious body. The Quran warns against division; hence, we should pay heed. By extension, as one nation, our salvation as Gambians lies in literally constructing the nation we wish for ourselves and our progeny, and working selflessly in harmony in the best interest of every one- the recompense for which can only come from the Almighty Allah.

    Fellow Gambians and

    Muslims the world over

    It is very shameful and un Islamic that human vermins disguised as Muslims use the advent of the Holy Month of Ramadan, when all true believers are fasting and repenting for their sins and seek Allah’s mercy, to carry our heinous crimes of mass murder by bombing crowded market places, mosques etc. During this Holy Month of Ramadan alone, thousands of innocent men, women and children have lost their lives to these insane sadists across the Islamic Ummah. Our religion is seriously threatened more by enemies within our ranks than from enemies of the non-Muslim world.

    On a daily basis, more Muslims die at the hands of such satanic sons of hell disguised as Muslims than at the hands of true infidels.

    The Bombings in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq and the carnage in Syria all stand testimony to this very un-Islamic episode that the Muslim Ummah now faces. True Islam is only one indivisible religion as enshrined in the one and Only Holy Quran and as practiced and taught by the Seal of all Prophets, Prophet Muhammad, Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him. We true Muslims must fight against these satanic forces within our ranks as they are responsible for all these atrocious conflicts now raging on this planet earth, by all means necessary and whatever it takes.

    Let us stop pretending that the Islmaic Ummah is unified, peaceful and prosperous today and conduct business as usual. The reality is that our Ummah is the most dangerous, for true and real Muslims; most divided and most conflict-ridden today than at any other time in our Islamic History.

    I hereby appeal to all of my Colleagues in the Islamic Ummah, the religious leaders and scholars to come together to save our noble religion and our Glorious Quran. This is the true Jihad that our Noble Prophet fought for and won. We should practice love and care for humanity in general and fellow Muslims in particular and not hate and bomb them in their thousands at will.

    I call on the OIC to convene as soon as possible an Islamic Reunification and Reconciliation Summit aimed at ending the carnage and strengthening the Ummah. As leaders, we owe it to our people and our children; but more importantly, we will be judged by the Almighty Allah one day without fail. We should defend our noble religion and we must succeed – as failure is not an option. Let us work together as one great Islamic family and rid ourselves of these dangerous criminals from within.

    Fellow Gambians and

    Muslims the world over

    Distinguished viewers

    On this note, let me conclude by assuring you that the Good shall always prevail over the Evil, as the Almighty Allah is always on the side of the righteous.

    Fellow Brothers and Sisters in Islam

    Fellow Gambians

    Distinguished viewers

    While we pray that Allah, the Sovereign Guardian Lord rewards us for all our good deeds, may He continue to be our protector, guide and helper perpetually as we seek to climb the success ladder individually and collectively as admonished by the Almighty Himself. IN our quest for success both individually and collectively, let us be guided by the principal tenets of Islam of righteousness and the fear of Allah.

    Eid Mubarak.

    I thank you all for your kind attention.

    Wassalamou Allaikum Wa Rahmatu Ilah Wa Barakatuhu

    Author: Daily Observer


    Vérité 3fois

    En Août, 2012 (14:48 PM)
    Un condamné à mort doit être exécuter si sa culpabilité est établi. Si la justice dans nos pays était juste et équitable il y aura moins de détournement de dernier public. Regarder toutes les personnes qui ont participé à la gouvernance du régime de Abdoulaye WADE sont hyper riches


    En Août, 2012 (15:01 PM)
    qu'il n'a qu'à tuer tous les gambiens!

    Et la révolution continue


    En Août, 2012 (15:07 PM)
    Mais Gayis, qui est ALIOUNE TINE pour exiger l’arrestation de YAYA DJAME. Mais je rêve, est-il le procureur de la planète. Je penses que c'est lui qu'il faut arrêter et interner. Les wolofs disent : dof ken dou ko wakh ya mom diang yi.

    Cours De Coran En 3 Leçons

    En Août, 2012 (15:43 PM)
    abba ndir vous forme à lire le coran à disance en 3 leçons seulement skype abba.ndir adresse dakar ngor almadie france canada espagne italie usa partout au monde contactez urgences coran pus de soucis pour vous et vos enfants


    En Août, 2012 (16:13 PM)
    ce president gambien, tres vilolent, avec son peuple qui n'accorde aucune liberté de penser....ça ne peut pas continuer dans ce tout petit pays qui est là au milieu du senegal......

    mais mettre dans la balance les crimes de Yayah qui sont des les crimes financiers de la famille Wade.......LES DEUX DOIVENT ETRE CONDAMNES.....


    En Août, 2012 (16:37 PM)
    The president of the Republic, His Excellency, Sheikh Professor Alhaji Dr Yahya Jammeh has said his government will never condone acts that endanger the fabric of society or thwart the people’s development efforts.

    According to him, his government’s objective is to create a peaceful, happy and crime-free nation where the standard of living will be excellent for every citizen. The president’s remarks were contained in a 12-page message delivered on the eve of Eid El-Fitr commonly known as Koriteh. He denounced banditry, drug trafficking or its illicit use, homosexuality, murder, terrorism and other subversive activities against either the state or the people saying it will not be tolerated, and government will take whatever legal action necessary to expunge these deadly and heinous acts from the country.

    Below we reproduce the full text of the president’s message;

    Fellow Gambians

    Distinguished viewers

    I thank the Almighty Allah for favouring us with His mercies and blessings, especially for the gift of witnessing the end of the Holy Month of Ramadan in peace and good health. It is particularly an honour and joy for me to mark the end of such a blessed month with this annual EID address to the nation.

    Fellow Gambians

    And Muslims the world over

    On the advent of Eid El-Fitr, it is my singular honour to congratulate the entire Muslim community on this blessed occasion and to wish all of us a very blessed and memorable feast. However, I trust and pray that the Day will not be observed characteristically for mere celebrations and merry making, but will provide a somber platform for solemn reflection on our deeds and our relations with the Almighty Allah on the one hand, and our interpersonal relations between and amongst us as family, friends and neighbours, on the other.

    Ramadan, or fasting in general, is renowned for its propensity to shape behaviour and alter the lot and destinies of believers in very positive ways, and this sublime precept is applicable in both Islam and Christianity. IN fact, religious scholars, argue that one of the hallmarks of the acceptance of religious deeds in the Holy Month of Ramadan is positive attitudinal change and a tendency for pious deeds and fear of Allah. Therefore, the questions we need to ask ourselves, among others, are: Have we emerged from Ramadan cleansed and purified by ridding ourselves of all sinful habits of the past to lead better and righteous lives acceptable in the sight of the Almighty Allah? Are we committed or re-devoted to leading our lives within the prescriptions of the Holy Quran, which commands us to lead decent lives? The responses to such questions within our inner being will give each one of us an indication of how sincere and faithful to Allah we are; how repentant we are; and how inclined we are to changing for the better.

    Fellow Gambians and

    Muslims the world over

    Distinguished viewers

    The lesson to draw is that faith in the Almighty Allah and religious commitment are characterized by self discipline; discipline that emanates consciously from the inner being and not driven by fear of some secular force. This is the true shade of discipline that is lacking in society, both in The Gambia and elsewhere. To comment on indiscipline, Gambians have witnessed in recent times an undesirable and unwarranted escalation of such dreadful crimes as murder, armed robber, burglary and, alarmingly, kidnapping, to cite a few examples. These are crimes that were hitherto unknown in The Gambia, but they have found their way into the Gambian society. While we admit that most of these acts are perpetrated by non-Gambians, Gambians have either been accomplices or have also engaged in these dreadful crimes. There are increasing episodes of infanticide, as well as homicide committed by husbands against their wives and children against their parents! These are heinous crimes and wholly unacceptable, especially in a nation where over 90% of the population claim to be practicing Muslims; believers in Allah.

    My government will never condone acts that endanger the fabric of our society or thwart the people’s development efforts. Our objective is to create a peaceful, happy and crime-free nation where the standard of living will be excellent for every citizen. Thus, banditry, drug trafficking or its illicit use, homosexuality, murder, terrorism and other subversive activities against either the State or the people will not be tolerated, and Government will take whatever legal action is necessary to expunge these deadly and heinous acts from the country.

    Critically, though, the people have to rally behind Government and support the relevant State apparatuses. It is only genuine patriotism, which is embedded in the real fear of Allah and love for the nation; as well as true passion for the people and what they stand for, that will salvage us together. Hence, together, we must ensure that we do not only abide by the laws of the Land, but also compel the criminals in our midst to retract permanently or amend their ways. There is no other option!

    The security forces and the judicial system will continue to be empowered to enforce the law, where applicable. All those guilty of serious crimes and are condemned will face the full force of the law. All punishments prescribed by law will be maintained in the country to ensure that criminals get what they deserve: that is, that those who kill are killed, and those who deserve to be put away from society are put away according to the dictates of the law. By the middle of next month, all the death sentences would have been carried out to the letter.

    Fellow Gambians

    Distinguished viewers

    We need not look far into history to be forewarned of the consequences of anarchy. The breakdown of law and order and the resultant atrocities in Mali, Syria, Somalia and other countries, as examples, provide sufficient instruction to remind us that crimes begets chaos, destruction and destitution, and, in consequence, should be nipped in the bud wherever it emerges. Gambians should look into the future with optimism, encouraged by the rapid rate of development and the tremendous achievements made in less than two decades. We ought to be optimistic of the feasibility of The Gambia’s transformation into an economic super power and, therefore, commit ourselves to attaining the development vision and objectives set for such transformation. Let us cruise towards our destiny undeterred, and leave no room for retrogressive vermins to clog the wheel of rapid progress. We as a State will stand by our sacred duties of making sure that every law-abiding human being in this nation of ours lives in absolute peace, security and freedom.

    On reflection, one is compelled to observe that we claim and pride ourselves of being Muslims and Christians; but, how devoted are we as Muslims and Christians? How many Gambians live by the noble teachings of the Holy Books? We are taught to love our neighbours as we love ourselves, just as we are taught that love for one’s country is an element of piety. Do we manifest these teachings in our day-to-day lives? Have we not been admonished to repel hate and injustice, but how many Gambians are willing to expose the criminals in our midst to put an end to the insecurity, injustice and mayhem that those criminals perpetrate against innocent people?

    Fellow Gambians and

    Muslims the world over

    Distinguished viewers

    As we mark the end of Ramadan, this should be a moment of reflection and rededication to the principles and values propagated by Islam and, similarly, by Christianity. True believers stand steadfast in enjoining and doing good, while prohibiting and refraining from evil. I implore you all to stand firm in defence of our communities against crime. Let me re-echo the need for community Watch Groups to complement Operation Bulldozer. It is long overdue for all of us to mobilize our resources, muster our energies and innovate to build a progressive, secured and peaceful nation for all. In the thick of this, we recognize and applaud the sincere patriots who continue to support Government and dedicate themselves to the welfare of the people. We encourage them to continue to be the pace-setters of progress and development but more importantly, for a crime free Gambia.

    Fellow Gambians and

    Muslims the world over

    Distinguished viewers

    I congratulate the venerable Imams and other religious leaders who led prayers during the Holy Month and delivered sermons to strengthen the faith and correct the behaviour of their congregations in particular and the people in general. This is a never-ending Jihad, and I encourage you all to continue with such noble works and devote your sermons relentlessly to invoking good among the citizenry. In addition, together, let us pray for the sick and in the spirit of Islam, care for them and support them. Let us continually pray for the nation, but reinforce those prayers with positive action. Let us guide the young, give them the education and upbringing they require to grow into good Muslims and become useful law-abiding citizens of this great Nation. Remember that as true Muslims we should work together; for each other and not against each other. We are supposed to work together as one Family because that is what all Muslims are.

    In conclusion, the occasion presents the opportunity to mention regrettably the division among Muslim communities, both nationally and internationally. It is due to the artificial divides among Muslims that Islam is projected negatively n the non-Muslim world. It is for the same reason that Muslims are weakened to the extent that their rights are trampled upon, and their wealth and property plundered. It is a dilemma and a source of concern that Muslims cannot rally behind their leaders and obey them. Sadly, every year, we begin fasting on different days and observe Eid El-Fitr on different days yet Allah is the One True God we worship; the Quran is the source of our faith; the Prophet’s message (PBUH) is universal and conclusive; and the earth is associated with only one moon, unlike other planets. Therefore, there is no justification for unnecessary divisions within the Islamic world. On the occasion of this holy feast, I urge all religious leaders to set aside their differences and act in unison as members of one religious body. The Quran warns against division; hence, we should pay heed. By extension, as one nation, our salvation as Gambians lies in literally constructing the nation we wish for ourselves and our progeny, and working selflessly in harmony in the best interest of every one- the recompense for which can only come from the Almighty Allah.

    Fellow Gambians and

    Muslims the world over

    It is very shameful and un Islamic that human vermins disguised as Muslims use the advent of the Holy Month of Ramadan, when all true believers are fasting and repenting for their sins and seek Allah’s mercy, to carry our heinous crimes of mass murder by bombing crowded market places, mosques etc. During this Holy Month of Ramadan alone, thousands of innocent men, women and children have lost their lives to these insane sadists across the Islamic Ummah. Our religion is seriously threatened more by enemies within our ranks than from enemies of the non-Muslim world.

    On a daily basis, more Muslims die at the hands of such satanic sons of hell disguised as Muslims than at the hands of true infidels.

    The Bombings in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq and the carnage in Syria all stand testimony to this very un-Islamic episode that the Muslim Ummah now faces. True Islam is only one indivisible religion as enshrined in the one and Only Holy Quran and as practiced and taught by the Seal of all Prophets, Prophet Muhammad, Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him. We true Muslims must fight against these satanic forces within our ranks as they are responsible for all these atrocious conflicts now raging on this planet earth, by all means necessary and whatever it takes.

    Let us stop pretending that the Islmaic Ummah is unified, peaceful and prosperous today and conduct business as usual. The reality is that our Ummah is the most dangerous, for true and real Muslims; most divided and most conflict-ridden today than at any other time in our Islamic History.

    I hereby appeal to all of my Colleagues in the Islamic Ummah, the religious leaders and scholars to come together to save our noble religion and our Glorious Quran. This is the true Jihad that our Noble Prophet fought for and won. We should practice love and care for humanity in general and fellow Muslims in particular and not hate and bomb them in their thousands at will.

    I call on the OIC to convene as soon as possible an Islamic Reunification and Reconciliation Summit aimed at ending the carnage and strengthening the Ummah. As leaders, we owe it to our people and our children; but more importantly, we will be judged by the Almighty Allah one day without fail. We should defend our noble religion and we must succeed – as failure is not an option. Let us work together as one great Islamic family and rid ourselves of these dangerous criminals from within.

    Fellow Gambians and

    Muslims the world over

    Distinguished viewers

    On this note, let me conclude by assuring you that the Good shall always prevail over the Evil, as the Almighty Allah is always on the side of the righteous.

    Fellow Brothers and Sisters in Islam

    Fellow Gambians

    Distinguished viewers

    While we pray that Allah, the Sovereign Guardian Lord rewards us for all our good deeds, may He continue to be our protector, guide and helper perpetually as we seek to climb the success ladder individually and collectively as admonished by the Almighty Himself. IN our quest for success both individually and collectively, let us be guided by the principal tenets of Islam of righteousness and the fear of Allah.

    Eid Mubarak.

    I thank you all for your kind attention.

    Wassalamou Allaikum Wa Rahmatu Ilah Wa Barakatuhu

    Author: Daily Observer



    En Août, 2012 (16:42 PM)
    The president of the Republic, His Excellency, Sheikh Professor Alhaji Dr Yahya Jammeh has said his government will never condone acts that endanger the fabric of society or thwart the people’s development efforts.

    According to him, his government’s objective is to create a peaceful, happy and crime-free nation where the standard of living will be excellent for every citizen. The president’s remarks were contained in a 12-page message delivered on the eve of Eid El-Fitr commonly known as Koriteh. He denounced banditry, drug trafficking or its illicit use, homosexuality, murder, terrorism and other subversive activities against either the state or the people saying it will not be tolerated, and government will take whatever legal action necessary to expunge these deadly and heinous acts from the country.

    Below we reproduce the full text of the president’s message;

    Fellow Gambians

    Distinguished viewers

    I thank the Almighty Allah for favouring us with His mercies and blessings, especially for the gift of witnessing the end of the Holy Month of Ramadan in peace and good health. It is particularly an honour and joy for me to mark the end of such a blessed month with this annual EID address to the nation.

    Fellow Gambians

    And Muslims the world over

    On the advent of Eid El-Fitr, it is my singular honour to congratulate the entire Muslim community on this blessed occasion and to wish all of us a very blessed and memorable feast. However, I trust and pray that the Day will not be observed characteristically for mere celebrations and merry making, but will provide a somber platform for solemn reflection on our deeds and our relations with the Almighty Allah on the one hand, and our interpersonal relations between and amongst us as family, friends and neighbours, on the other.

    Ramadan, or fasting in general, is renowned for its propensity to shape behaviour and alter the lot and destinies of believers in very positive ways, and this sublime precept is applicable in both Islam and Christianity. IN fact, religious scholars, argue that one of the hallmarks of the acceptance of religious deeds in the Holy Month of Ramadan is positive attitudinal change and a tendency for pious deeds and fear of Allah. Therefore, the questions we need to ask ourselves, among others, are: Have we emerged from Ramadan cleansed and purified by ridding ourselves of all sinful habits of the past to lead better and righteous lives acceptable in the sight of the Almighty Allah? Are we committed or re-devoted to leading our lives within the prescriptions of the Holy Quran, which commands us to lead decent lives? The responses to such questions within our inner being will give each one of us an indication of how sincere and faithful to Allah we are; how repentant we are; and how inclined we are to changing for the better.

    Fellow Gambians and

    Muslims the world over

    Distinguished viewers

    The lesson to draw is that faith in the Almighty Allah and religious commitment are characterized by self discipline; discipline that emanates consciously from the inner being and not driven by fear of some secular force. This is the true shade of discipline that is lacking in society, both in The Gambia and elsewhere. To comment on indiscipline, Gambians have witnessed in recent times an undesirable and unwarranted escalation of such dreadful crimes as murder, armed robber, burglary and, alarmingly, kidnapping, to cite a few examples. These are crimes that were hitherto unknown in The Gambia, but they have found their way into the Gambian society. While we admit that most of these acts are perpetrated by non-Gambians, Gambians have either been accomplices or have also engaged in these dreadful crimes. There are increasing episodes of infanticide, as well as homicide committed by husbands against their wives and children against their parents! These are heinous crimes and wholly unacceptable, especially in a nation where over 90% of the population claim to be practicing Muslims; believers in Allah.

    My government will never condone acts that endanger the fabric of our society or thwart the people’s development efforts. Our objective is to create a peaceful, happy and crime-free nation where the standard of living will be excellent for every citizen. Thus, banditry, drug trafficking or its illicit use, homosexuality, murder, terrorism and other subversive activities against either the State or the people will not be tolerated, and Government will take whatever legal action is necessary to expunge these deadly and heinous acts from the country.

    Critically, though, the people have to rally behind Government and support the relevant State apparatuses. It is only genuine patriotism, which is embedded in the real fear of Allah and love for the nation; as well as true passion for the people and what they stand for, that will salvage us together. Hence, together, we must ensure that we do not only abide by the laws of the Land, but also compel the criminals in our midst to retract permanently or amend their ways. There is no other option!

    The security forces and the judicial system will continue to be empowered to enforce the law, where applicable. All those guilty of serious crimes and are condemned will face the full force of the law. All punishments prescribed by law will be maintained in the country to ensure that criminals get what they deserve: that is, that those who kill are killed, and those who deserve to be put away from society are put away according to the dictates of the law. By the middle of next month, all the death sentences would have been carried out to the letter.

    Fellow Gambians

    Distinguished viewers

    We need not look far into history to be forewarned of the consequences of anarchy. The breakdown of law and order and the resultant atrocities in Mali, Syria, Somalia and other countries, as examples, provide sufficient instruction to remind us that crimes begets chaos, destruction and destitution, and, in consequence, should be nipped in the bud wherever it emerges. Gambians should look into the future with optimism, encouraged by the rapid rate of development and the tremendous achievements made in less than two decades. We ought to be optimistic of the feasibility of The Gambia’s transformation into an economic super power and, therefore, commit ourselves to attaining the development vision and objectives set for such transformation. Let us cruise towards our destiny undeterred, and leave no room for retrogressive vermins to clog the wheel of rapid progress. We as a State will stand by our sacred duties of making sure that every law-abiding human being in this nation of ours lives in absolute peace, security and freedom.

    On reflection, one is compelled to observe that we claim and pride ourselves of being Muslims and Christians; but, how devoted are we as Muslims and Christians? How many Gambians live by the noble teachings of the Holy Books? We are taught to love our neighbours as we love ourselves, just as we are taught that love for one’s country is an element of piety. Do we manifest these teachings in our day-to-day lives? Have we not been admonished to repel hate and injustice, but how many Gambians are willing to expose the criminals in our midst to put an end to the insecurity, injustice and mayhem that those criminals perpetrate against innocent people?

    Fellow Gambians and

    Muslims the world over

    Distinguished viewers

    As we mark the end of Ramadan, this should be a moment of reflection and rededication to the principles and values propagated by Islam and, similarly, by Christianity. True believers stand steadfast in enjoining and doing good, while prohibiting and refraining from evil. I implore you all to stand firm in defence of our communities against crime. Let me re-echo the need for community Watch Groups to complement Operation Bulldozer. It is long overdue for all of us to mobilize our resources, muster our energies and innovate to build a progressive, secured and peaceful nation for all. In the thick of this, we recognize and applaud the sincere patriots who continue to support Government and dedicate themselves to the welfare of the people. We encourage them to continue to be the pace-setters of progress and development but more importantly, for a crime free Gambia.

    Fellow Gambians and

    Muslims the world over

    Distinguished viewers

    I congratulate the venerable Imams and other religious leaders who led prayers during the Holy Month and delivered sermons to strengthen the faith and correct the behaviour of their congregations in particular and the people in general. This is a never-ending Jihad, and I encourage you all to continue with such noble works and devote your sermons relentlessly to invoking good among the citizenry. In addition, together, let us pray for the sick and in the spirit of Islam, care for them and support them. Let us continually pray for the nation, but reinforce those prayers with positive action. Let us guide the young, give them the education and upbringing they require to grow into good Muslims and become useful law-abiding citizens of this great Nation. Remember that as true Muslims we should work together; for each other and not against each other. We are supposed to work together as one Family because that is what all Muslims are.

    In conclusion, the occasion presents the opportunity to mention regrettably the division among Muslim communities, both nationally and internationally. It is due to the artificial divides among Muslims that Islam is projected negatively n the non-Muslim world. It is for the same reason that Muslims are weakened to the extent that their rights are trampled upon, and their wealth and property plundered. It is a dilemma and a source of concern that Muslims cannot rally behind their leaders and obey them. Sadly, every year, we begin fasting on different days and observe Eid El-Fitr on different days yet Allah is the One True God we worship; the Quran is the source of our faith; the Prophet’s message (PBUH) is universal and conclusive; and the earth is associated with only one moon, unlike other planets. Therefore, there is no justification for unnecessary divisions within the Islamic world. On the occasion of this holy feast, I urge all religious leaders to set aside their differences and act in unison as members of one religious body. The Quran warns against division; hence, we should pay heed. By extension, as one nation, our salvation as Gambians lies in literally constructing the nation we wish for ourselves and our progeny, and working selflessly in harmony in the best interest of every one- the recompense for which can only come from the Almighty Allah.

    Fellow Gambians and

    Muslims the world over

    It is very shameful and un Islamic that human vermins disguised as Muslims use the advent of the Holy Month of Ramadan, when all true believers are fasting and repenting for their sins and seek Allah’s mercy, to carry our heinous crimes of mass murder by bombing crowded market places, mosques etc. During this Holy Month of Ramadan alone, thousands of innocent men, women and children have lost their lives to these insane sadists across the Islamic Ummah. Our religion is seriously threatened more by enemies within our ranks than from enemies of the non-Muslim world.

    On a daily basis, more Muslims die at the hands of such satanic sons of hell disguised as Muslims than at the hands of true infidels.

    The Bombings in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq and the carnage in Syria all stand testimony to this very un-Islamic episode that the Muslim Ummah now faces. True Islam is only one indivisible religion as enshrined in the one and Only Holy Quran and as practiced and taught by the Seal of all Prophets, Prophet Muhammad, Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him. We true Muslims must fight against these satanic forces within our ranks as they are responsible for all these atrocious conflicts now raging on this planet earth, by all means necessary and whatever it takes.

    Let us stop pretending that the Islmaic Ummah is unified, peaceful and prosperous today and conduct business as usual. The reality is that our Ummah is the most dangerous, for true and real Muslims; most divided and most conflict-ridden today than at any other time in our Islamic History.

    I hereby appeal to all of my Colleagues in the Islamic Ummah, the religious leaders and scholars to come together to save our noble religion and our Glorious Quran. This is the true Jihad that our Noble Prophet fought for and won. We should practice love and care for humanity in general and fellow Muslims in particular and not hate and bomb them in their thousands at will.

    I call on the OIC to convene as soon as possible an Islamic Reunification and Reconciliation Summit aimed at ending the carnage and strengthening the Ummah. As leaders, we owe it to our people and our children; but more importantly, we will be judged by the Almighty Allah one day without fail. We should defend our noble religion and we must succeed – as failure is not an option. Let us work together as one great Islamic family and rid ourselves of these dangerous criminals from within.

    Fellow Gambians and

    Muslims the world over

    Distinguished viewers

    On this note, let me conclude by assuring you that the Good shall always prevail over the Evil, as the Almighty Allah is always on the side of the righteous.

    Fellow Brothers and Sisters in Islam

    Fellow Gambians

    Distinguished viewers

    While we pray that Allah, the Sovereign Guardian Lord rewards us for all our good deeds, may He continue to be our protector, guide and helper perpetually as we seek to climb the success ladder individually and collectively as admonished by the Almighty Himself. IN our quest for success both individually and collectively, let us be guided by the principal tenets of Islam of righteousness and the fear of Allah.

    Eid Mubarak.

    I thank you all for your kind attention.

    Wassalamou Allaikum Wa Rahmatu Ilah Wa Barakatuhu

    Author: Daily Observer



    En Août, 2012 (17:31 PM)
    The president of the Republic, His Excellency, Sheikh Professor Alhaji Dr Yahya Jammeh has said his government will never condone acts that endanger the fabric of society or thwart the people’s development efforts.

    According to him, his government’s objective is to create a peaceful, happy and crime-free nation where the standard of living will be excellent for every citizen. The president’s remarks were contained in a 12-page message delivered on the eve of Eid El-Fitr commonly known as Koriteh. He denounced banditry, drug trafficking or its illicit use, homosexuality, murder, terrorism and other subversive activities against either the state or the people saying it will not be tolerated, and government will take whatever legal action necessary to expunge these deadly and heinous acts from the country.

    Below we reproduce the full text of the president’s message;

    Fellow Gambians

    Distinguished viewers

    I thank the Almighty Allah for favouring us with His mercies and blessings, especially for the gift of witnessing the end of the Holy Month of Ramadan in peace and good health. It is particularly an honour and joy for me to mark the end of such a blessed month with this annual EID address to the nation.

    Fellow Gambians

    And Muslims the world over

    On the advent of Eid El-Fitr, it is my singular honour to congratulate the entire Muslim community on this blessed occasion and to wish all of us a very blessed and memorable feast. However, I trust and pray that the Day will not be observed characteristically for mere celebrations and merry making, but will provide a somber platform for solemn reflection on our deeds and our relations with the Almighty Allah on the one hand, and our interpersonal relations between and amongst us as family, friends and neighbours, on the other.

    Ramadan, or fasting in general, is renowned for its propensity to shape behaviour and alter the lot and destinies of believers in very positive ways, and this sublime precept is applicable in both Islam and Christianity. IN fact, religious scholars, argue that one of the hallmarks of the acceptance of religious deeds in the Holy Month of Ramadan is positive attitudinal change and a tendency for pious deeds and fear of Allah. Therefore, the questions we need to ask ourselves, among others, are: Have we emerged from Ramadan cleansed and purified by ridding ourselves of all sinful habits of the past to lead better and righteous lives acceptable in the sight of the Almighty Allah? Are we committed or re-devoted to leading our lives within the prescriptions of the Holy Quran, which commands us to lead decent lives? The responses to such questions within our inner being will give each one of us an indication of how sincere and faithful to Allah we are; how repentant we are; and how inclined we are to changing for the better.

    Fellow Gambians and

    Muslims the world over

    Distinguished viewers

    The lesson to draw is that faith in the Almighty Allah and religious commitment are characterized by self discipline; discipline that emanates consciously from the inner being and not driven by fear of some secular force. This is the true shade of discipline that is lacking in society, both in The Gambia and elsewhere. To comment on indiscipline, Gambians have witnessed in recent times an undesirable and unwarranted escalation of such dreadful crimes as murder, armed robber, burglary and, alarmingly, kidnapping, to cite a few examples. These are crimes that were hitherto unknown in The Gambia, but they have found their way into the Gambian society. While we admit that most of these acts are perpetrated by non-Gambians, Gambians have either been accomplices or have also engaged in these dreadful crimes. There are increasing episodes of infanticide, as well as homicide committed by husbands against their wives and children against their parents! These are heinous crimes and wholly unacceptable, especially in a nation where over 90% of the population claim to be practicing Muslims; believers in Allah.

    My government will never condone acts that endanger the fabric of our society or thwart the people’s development efforts. Our objective is to create a peaceful, happy and crime-free nation where the standard of living will be excellent for every citizen. Thus, banditry, drug trafficking or its illicit use, homosexuality, murder, terrorism and other subversive activities against either the State or the people will not be tolerated, and Government will take whatever legal action is necessary to expunge these deadly and heinous acts from the country.

    Critically, though, the people have to rally behind Government and support the relevant State apparatuses. It is only genuine patriotism, which is embedded in the real fear of Allah and love for the nation; as well as true passion for the people and what they stand for, that will salvage us together. Hence, together, we must ensure that we do not only abide by the laws of the Land, but also compel the criminals in our midst to retract permanently or amend their ways. There is no other option!

    The security forces and the judicial system will continue to be empowered to enforce the law, where applicable. All those guilty of serious crimes and are condemned will face the full force of the law. All punishments prescribed by law will be maintained in the country to ensure that criminals get what they deserve: that is, that those who kill are killed, and those who deserve to be put away from society are put away according to the dictates of the law. By the middle of next month, all the death sentences would have been carried out to the letter.

    Fellow Gambians

    Distinguished viewers

    We need not look far into history to be forewarned of the consequences of anarchy. The breakdown of law and order and the resultant atrocities in Mali, Syria, Somalia and other countries, as examples, provide sufficient instruction to remind us that crimes begets chaos, destruction and destitution, and, in consequence, should be nipped in the bud wherever it emerges. Gambians should look into the future with optimism, encouraged by the rapid rate of development and the tremendous achievements made in less than two decades. We ought to be optimistic of the feasibility of The Gambia’s transformation into an economic super power and, therefore, commit ourselves to attaining the development vision and objectives set for such transformation. Let us cruise towards our destiny undeterred, and leave no room for retrogressive vermins to clog the wheel of rapid progress. We as a State will stand by our sacred duties of making sure that every law-abiding human being in this nation of ours lives in absolute peace, security and freedom.

    On reflection, one is compelled to observe that we claim and pride ourselves of being Muslims and Christians; but, how devoted are we as Muslims and Christians? How many Gambians live by the noble teachings of the Holy Books? We are taught to love our neighbours as we love ourselves, just as we are taught that love for one’s country is an element of piety. Do we manifest these teachings in our day-to-day lives? Have we not been admonished to repel hate and injustice, but how many Gambians are willing to expose the criminals in our midst to put an end to the insecurity, injustice and mayhem that those criminals perpetrate against innocent people?

    Fellow Gambians and

    Muslims the world over

    Distinguished viewers

    As we mark the end of Ramadan, this should be a moment of reflection and rededication to the principles and values propagated by Islam and, similarly, by Christianity. True believers stand steadfast in enjoining and doing good, while prohibiting and refraining from evil. I implore you all to stand firm in defence of our communities against crime. Let me re-echo the need for community Watch Groups to complement Operation Bulldozer. It is long overdue for all of us to mobilize our resources, muster our energies and innovate to build a progressive, secured and peaceful nation for all. In the thick of this, we recognize and applaud the sincere patriots who continue to support Government and dedicate themselves to the welfare of the people. We encourage them to continue to be the pace-setters of progress and development but more importantly, for a crime free Gambia.

    Fellow Gambians and

    Muslims the world over

    Distinguished viewers

    I congratulate the venerable Imams and other religious leaders who led prayers during the Holy Month and delivered sermons to strengthen the faith and correct the behaviour of their congregations in particular and the people in general. This is a never-ending Jihad, and I encourage you all to continue with such noble works and devote your sermons relentlessly to invoking good among the citizenry. In addition, together, let us pray for the sick and in the spirit of Islam, care for them and support them. Let us continually pray for the nation, but reinforce those prayers with positive action. Let us guide the young, give them the education and upbringing they require to grow into good Muslims and become useful law-abiding citizens of this great Nation. Remember that as true Muslims we should work together; for each other and not against each other. We are supposed to work together as one Family because that is what all Muslims are.

    In conclusion, the occasion presents the opportunity to mention regrettably the division among Muslim communities, both nationally and internationally. It is due to the artificial divides among Muslims that Islam is projected negatively n the non-Muslim world. It is for the same reason that Muslims are weakened to the extent that their rights are trampled upon, and their wealth and property plundered. It is a dilemma and a source of concern that Muslims cannot rally behind their leaders and obey them. Sadly, every year, we begin fasting on different days and observe Eid El-Fitr on different days yet Allah is the One True God we worship; the Quran is the source of our faith; the Prophet’s message (PBUH) is universal and conclusive; and the earth is associated with only one moon, unlike other planets. Therefore, there is no justification for unnecessary divisions within the Islamic world. On the occasion of this holy feast, I urge all religious leaders to set aside their differences and act in unison as members of one religious body. The Quran warns against division; hence, we should pay heed. By extension, as one nation, our salvation as Gambians lies in literally constructing the nation we wish for ourselves and our progeny, and working selflessly in harmony in the best interest of every one- the recompense for which can only come from the Almighty Allah.

    Fellow Gambians and

    Muslims the world over

    It is very shameful and un Islamic that human vermins disguised as Muslims use the advent of the Holy Month of Ramadan, when all true believers are fasting and repenting for their sins and seek Allah’s mercy, to carry our heinous crimes of mass murder by bombing crowded market places, mosques etc. During this Holy Month of Ramadan alone, thousands of innocent men, women and children have lost their lives to these insane sadists across the Islamic Ummah. Our religion is seriously threatened more by enemies within our ranks than from enemies of the non-Muslim world.

    On a daily basis, more Muslims die at the hands of such satanic sons of hell disguised as Muslims than at the hands of true infidels.

    The Bombings in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq and the carnage in Syria all stand testimony to this very un-Islamic episode that the Muslim Ummah now faces. True Islam is only one indivisible religion as enshrined in the one and Only Holy Quran and as practiced and taught by the Seal of all Prophets, Prophet Muhammad, Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him. We true Muslims must fight against these satanic forces within our ranks as they are responsible for all these atrocious conflicts now raging on this planet earth, by all means necessary and whatever it takes.

    Let us stop pretending that the Islmaic Ummah is unified, peaceful and prosperous today and conduct business as usual. The reality is that our Ummah is the most dangerous, for true and real Muslims; most divided and most conflict-ridden today than at any other time in our Islamic History.

    I hereby appeal to all of my Colleagues in the Islamic Ummah, the religious leaders and scholars to come together to save our noble religion and our Glorious Quran. This is the true Jihad that our Noble Prophet fought for and won. We should practice love and care for humanity in general and fellow Muslims in particular and not hate and bomb them in their thousands at will.

    I call on the OIC to convene as soon as possible an Islamic Reunification and Reconciliation Summit aimed at ending the carnage and strengthening the Ummah. As leaders, we owe it to our people and our children; but more importantly, we will be judged by the Almighty Allah one day without fail. We should defend our noble religion and we must succeed – as failure is not an option. Let us work together as one great Islamic family and rid ourselves of these dangerous criminals from within.

    Fellow Gambians and

    Muslims the world over

    Distinguished viewers

    On this note, let me conclude by assuring you that the Good shall always prevail over the Evil, as the Almighty Allah is always on the side of the righteous.

    Fellow Brothers and Sisters in Islam

    Fellow Gambians

    Distinguished viewers

    While we pray that Allah, the Sovereign Guardian Lord rewards us for all our good deeds, may He continue to be our protector, guide and helper perpetually as we seek to climb the success ladder individually and collectively as admonished by the Almighty Himself. IN our quest for success both individually and collectively, let us be guided by the principal tenets of Islam of righteousness and the fear of Allah.

    Eid Mubarak.

    I thank you all for your kind attention.

    Wassalamou Allaikum Wa Rahmatu Ilah Wa Barakatuhu

    Author: Daily Observer



    En Août, 2012 (18:54 PM)
    alioune tine get your mother hell

    Droit De L'homme

    En Août, 2012 (19:21 PM)
    mais yaya diameh wakh na deug khél nangou woul nite ray nite baparé ken douko ray mais kignou ray nak legui mom ak famille yam nougnouy def. mais lii amoul zakh diou bari dagno ray nagnoulen ray wakh dji diekh defendre droit de l'homme moy kou ray gnou ray leu

    Sun Boy

    En Août, 2012 (19:39 PM)
    Je ne sais pas vraiment ce ces condamnés a mort ont fait pour mérité cette peine, mais ce qui est sur au sénégal y'en a ki méritent ça, les agressions ont recommencé de plus belle et on tue les citoyen comme des moutons alors c'est l'état de prendre ses responsabilités.


    En Août, 2012 (22:43 PM)
    le probléme de la gambie cest les gambiens ki doiven se lever en premier pour résoudre leur problémes...ils attendent k les senegalais parle ou réagisse pour eux et aux fond il n aime pas les senegalais et disent des propos trés negatives envers les senegalais ...j ai vecu avec eux a l extérieur ,ils nous posent beaucoup de problémes a cause de la jalousie ....donc sur le probléme yaya jameh ,c est a eux de prendre leur responsabilités et le senegal doit prendre du recul et observer en on etait a leur place qu es-ce k ils vont faire pour nous senegalais


    En Août, 2012 (08:37 AM)
    Ecoutez! chers camarades, pour le cas de yaya jammey, n'appliquons pas la politique de la table rase. sa decision n'est ni totalement mauvaise ni totalement bonne. Nous devons faire la part des choses.

    Si Jammeh veut apliquer la peine de mort pour ceux qui ont commis des actes criminels avec mort d'homme et ou il y'a premeditation ou ceux qui ont fait des actes de violences dans l'intention de tuer, la c'est formidable.

    Cependant s'il sagit pour abattre pour des raisons politiques, la c'est tres mauvais .

    Chers camarades, regardez l'homme que les agresseurs ont tue sauvagemment devant sa femme. Qu'est ce que vous voulez qu'on fasse de ces agresseurs? les mettre en prison pour 10 ans sur papier pour ensuite les liberer au bout de 4 ams pour bonne conduites, car ils sont devenus des imans dans la prison. C'est l'une des conneries les plus sauvages que le Senegal commet every single day. C'est au Senegal que tu trouves les gens les plus indisciplines du monde a cause d'une Justice mediocre, consequence: les gens meurent comme des mouches, dans les hopitaux, dans des accidents de la circulation, agressions, vandalismes etc....

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