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La CPI a ouvert des enquêtes à la demande des Etats africains (porte-parole)

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La CPI a ouvert des enquêtes à la demande des Etats africains (porte-parole)

La Cour pénale internationale (CPI) a ouvert des enquêtes dans certains pays africains à leur demande, a indiqué, mercredi à Dakar, son porte-parole Fadi El Abdallah.

‘’La CPI a ouvert neuf enquêtes qui sont liées à l’Afrique. Mais c’est à la demande des Etats africains eux-mêmes’’, a-t-il dit.

Fadi El Abdallah s’exprimait au cours d’une rencontre avec la presse, en marge du "séminaire sous-régional des conseils et de la profession juridique" organisé par la CPI.

''C’est le Mali, l’Ouganda, la République démocratique du Congo (RDC), la République Centrafricaine (RCA) qui ont demandé à la CPI d’ouvrir des enquêtes. La Côte d’Ivoire qui n’était pas membre des Etats-partis, a déclaré accepter la compétence de la CPI’’, a expliqué Fadi El Abdallah.

''La CPI regarde ce qui se passe dans certaines régions du monde. Il y a des enquêtes préliminaires actuellement en cours dans quatre continents différents. Que ça soit à propos de l’Afghanistan, l’Irak, de la Géorgie, de l’Ukraine, de la Colombie…’’, a indiqué son-porte parole.

Il a souligné que la CPI veut ''combattre l’impunité des auteurs de crimes qui relèvent de sa compétence partout où le Conseil de sécurité lui donne la possibilité d’enquêter ou protéger les victimes''.

Le porte-parole de la CPI a rappelé que celle-ci agit en fonction des principes de complémentarités. ''Lorsqu'il y a des poursuites sérieuses au niveau national contre les mêmes suspects, pour les mêmes faits allégués au niveau de la Cour pénale internationale, dans ce cas, la responsabilité première revient aux autorités nationales’’, a ajouté Fadi El Abdallah.


5 Commentaires

  1. Auteur


    En Octobre, 2014 (15:57 PM)
    Bande de colons. Michael Moore un activiste americain et pourtant blanc disait recement qu'il n'arrive toujours pas a croire qu'avec l'esclavage, la colonization, les guerres imposes etc... l'homme blanc a reussi a faire croire au monde que c'est le noir qui est le criminal.
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  2. Auteur

    Ababacar Sadikh Niang

    En Octobre, 2014 (16:07 PM)

    Justice plays a “crucial role” in maintaining international peace and security: ICC Prosecutor briefs the United Nations Security Council

    On Thursday, 23 October 2014, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC or the Court), Mrs. Fatou Bensouda, briefed the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) in New York, in an open debate on the constructive role the Council can play in support of the exercise of the Office of the Prosecutor's independent mandate, organized by the Argentine presidency of the UNSC.

    "We believe that the rights of women and children, indeed the rights of all civilians in times of conflict; the protection of peacekeeping missions and the rule of law are topics of common importance for both of our respective institutions. The same holds true for the crucial role justice plays in relation to the maintenance of international peace and security," said the Prosecutor.

    Focussed on the working methods of the UNSC, the open debate took place almost exactly two years after a similar session was organized by Guatemala, and provided a unique opportunity to exchange on how the Council can support the work of the Court and propose concrete solutions to the specific challenges that will make a difference to the victims of mass atrocities.

    At the meeting, Prosecutor Bensouda emphasized the continued need for cooperation and follow-up to UNSC referrals and the need for mechanisms to ensure timely and coordinated support. She underscored the importance of States Parties within and outside the Council working together and in one voice, as well as the need to think proactively about how the Council, the Assembly of States Parties and the ICC can work in concert within their respective mandates, to advance the crucially important goals of ending impunity for mass crimes and promoting the international rule of law.

    Calling for the appointment of a single focal point for interaction between the UNSC and the ICC, the Prosecutor outlined a number of areas where enhanced coordination could provide greater follow-up to relevant Council resolutions. Lack of adequate and effective follow-up on referrals to the ICC is a matter of continuing concern, shared with the Council, said the Prosecutor. Citing the Darfur situation, the failure to implement aspects of resolutions referring situations to the ICC, she said, can reflect a much deeper problem. Prosecutor Bensouda noted that of the fifty-five resolutions on the Sudan, very few had been implemented, suggesting the need to review them collectively as well as individually.

    The Prosecutor also invited the Council to use clearer language in its referrals, in particular concerning the obligation of all States to cooperate with the ICC and to uphold its judicial rulings.

    Prosecutor Bensouda called for serious discussion on effective arrest strategies, expressing her sincere hope that the UNSC "can definitively call on all UN Member States to provide the necessary assistance." She proposed that a focal point for interaction between the UNSC and the ICC could be of practical assistance on this issue and in a number of other helpful ways, including the question of the outstanding response of the Council to the ICC's findings of non-cooperation. "It is not only a question of focusing on non-cooperation of specific States," said the Prosecutor, "but of looking more positively and proactively at how to encourage cooperation as specific challenges arise.''

    Finally, the Prosecutor urged the UNSC to take into consideration that the lack of State or UN financing for Council referrals "has a real impact on the ability of my Office to conduct full and effective investigations in the Darfur and Libya situations" in light of the need to revitalize both of these investigations.

    In the spirit that sustainable peace and security cannot be achieved without justice, Prosecutor Bensouda stressed that "[t]he Council assumes a crucial role in the emerging system of international criminal justice and must embrace this role with all the opportunities for constructive engagement that it provides." She concluded by welcoming "further interaction on specific challenges, and to seeking the intersections and synergies between the ICC's and the Council's separate and independent mandates" in so far as they enhance humanity's yearning to seek impartial justice for "mass crimes that shock our collective conscience and 'threaten the peace, security and well-being of the world'."

    The Office of the Prosecutor of the ICC conducts independent and impartial investigations and prosecution of the crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. The Office of the Prosecutor is currently conducting eight investigations: in Uganda; Democratic Republic of the Congo; Darfur, Sudan; Central African Republic; Kenya; Libya; Côte d'Ivoire and Mali. The Office is also conducting preliminary examinations relating to the situations in Afghanistan, Colombia, Georgia, Guinea, Honduras, Iraq, Nigeria, Ukraine and the situation referred by the Union of the Comoros.

    ICC Prosecutor Statement to the United Nations Security Council on the Working Methods of the Security Council


    @ababacar Sadikh Niang

    En Octobre, 2014 (18:09 PM)
    A Seneweb c'est le français qui est couramment parle: alors si vous voulez vous faire comprendre ou passer un message, il faut que vous , vous fassiez l'effort, d'aller vers les autres !


    En Octobre, 2014 (05:42 AM)
    Ce qui suit me parait plus logique.

    ""As far as I am concerned, the ICC and ICJ are bullshit nonentities. white devils are in no position to adjudicate what justice and injustice is. That's because they are the biggest criminals in world history. How can a people who invade, kill, and enslave innocent people, for thousands of years till date, know what justice is. They can't even spell justice. A devil doesn't know and can never know what justice is, so why should a devil persecute world leaders that rebel against its devilish status quo? If truly the white devils are serious about world justice (which is very far from possible), let them return all the wealth stolen from Africa back to Africans. Let the white devils financially compensate Africans in America. Let the french white devils return back the wealth they stole from Africans in Haiti. Let the white devils give back the Americas back to the Native American Indians. Let the white devils give back Australia back to the Australian Aboriginals. Let the white devils give back everything they stole back to the original owners worldwide. Let the white devils expose all their filthy lies, such as religious lies, they have told the world, so people's minds can be set free. An apology, to me, means nothing. It is meaningless. The white devils and their blood sucking vampire corporations, cannot apologize to me and my African people, and still continue to occupy and exploit Africa. The continuous repeat of wrongdoing, after an apology, destroys the apology. Continuous apologies for continuous wrongdoing, makes the apology, as well as the apologizer look stupid. Apologies from white devils are useless, and will never free and uplift Africa and Africans. Apologies mean nothing to me and my African people, if they cannot be backed by sincere and swift justice. The only justice I know and will accept is for the white devils, to give back everything they stole and owe me and my African people. The same goes for arabs too. They are just as guilty, heartless, and wicked as the white devils too. Both white devils and arabs are twin devils. Some readers of this post may think I am spreading hate, but that is not true. I am only telling the undiluted truth about things. We all live in an unjust world where powerful people in high places rob the poor and defenseless to get richer, leaving the poor to get poorer. This is injustice. We live in a world where 1% of the population of the worcontrol more than 50% of the world's wealth. This is injustice. We live in a world where corporations control the vast majority of food, water, and medicine and want to use them to oppress the poor in third world countries. This is injustice. We live in a world where the rich and mighty use politics, religion, finance, and the military to subdue and control the masses. This is injustice. We live in a world where lies and deceit is promoted as truth. This is injustice. Injustice must be dethroned, so justice be be enthroned." Bisi Bee


    En Octobre, 2014 (05:53 AM)
    C.P.I: Cour Pénale des Indigènes!!!  :sn:  :sn:  :sn: 
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